DE Filter Clean/Inspect $90
Cartridge Filter Clean/Inspect$90
- A full disassemble of all the grids/cartridges and filter internals.
- A full clean of each grid/cartrdige and the filter’s manifolds.
- Lubricating the backwash valve if it is a push pull or slide.
- Resealing the tank.
- Re-charging the filter with DE (if needed).
- Testing for proper filtration
For pool owners, few things are as satisfying as crystal clear water on a summer day. To ensure that clarity remains all season long, it’s important to properly maintain and clean your pool’s filter. Pool Filter Cleans will help with your pool tremendously! Pool Filter Cleans are a must for a operational swimming pool.
Effective filter maintenance is important throughout the entire pool season, but it’s especially critical to make sure your filter is working properly as peak season approaches. Whether you have a sand, cartridge or DE filter, there are important maintenance procedures you should follow and key products you can incorporate into your filter-maintenance program. Pool filter cleans are $90 and are recommended every 6-9 months.
These services can be found in many places online, but it’s important to check reviews before making your purchase. You want to make sure that the service you are using has the best writers and editors who will give you the highest quality work.
“The most important thing is to know what the pressure is in your filter when it is clean,” says Rick January, technical services representative with Arch Chemicals, Inc., now part of Lonza. “This provides a base to tell you when it is time to maintain the filter. Once the filter pressure increases by 8 to 10 psi above the level when the filter is clean, it is time to backwash a sand or DE filter, or remove and clean or replace a cartridge filter.” G